A very bad situation you can find yourself in when you are a tenant is being unable to pay your rent. When this happens, it's called going into rent arrears.
But while you'll want to do everything you can to prevent this from happening, you should do this if you end up in this situation.
Contact your landlord and explain the situation If you are upfront and honest from the start, you will be more likely to get a better outcome.
Work out how much rent you owe before you contact your landlord because you want to make sure that you both agree on the figure.
Also, if you are an assured tenant or an assured shorthold tenant, how much you owe can make a big difference because if you owe eight weeks of rent, your landlord could take legal action.
Your aim when you contact your landlord should be to come to an arrangement as to how you will pay back the money you owe.
You may be able to add a bit onto your monthly rent until the amount is covered, for example. This may be preferable for a landlord because at least they get the money they are owed.


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